لحم الخنزير حرام في الإسلام
= ラハム ルヒンズィーリ ハラームン フィ ルイスラーム
= 豚肉はイスラームではハラーム(禁忌)です。
لحم الخنزير = ラハム ルヒンズィーリ = 豚肉
لَحْمٌ = ラハム = 肉[集合単数形]
الخِنْزِيرُ = アル-キンズィール = 豚[単数形]
حَرَامٌ = ハラーム = 禁忌[単数形]
في الإسلام = フィ ルイスラーム = イスラームでは
في = フィー = で
الإِسْلاَمُ = アル-イスラーム = イスラーム
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
نعم هاذا صحيح
返信削除Yes this is true
Thank you
Hi, are you Yoko?
返信削除Thank you for your comment :)
"はい、これは本当です" is better
than "はい、これは真である".
"لحم الخنزير حرام في الإسلام"
This phrase is a quotation from a website for Arabic learning.
Actually, most of Japanese people know this Islamic taboo.
Alcohol of taboo, too.
But most of Japanese don't know Ramadan.
I was surprised when I knew it well XD
返信削除ha ha ha you are funny !
Well I'll tell you a lot about it
In fact that Ramadan
the best month for Muslims
Because we do not do bad things
taht we usual do
In Rdman
we fast ( we not eat )
and pray all prayers
we read the Quran
When we hear the call to prayer ( Maghrib )
we all start eating together with family
when we finish eating
we go to pray in the mosque
after the finish of the praying
some sit in the mosque
and complete the reading of the Quran
and others are watching TV
and some go to sleep
and some other complete eating
to preparing for fasting the next day
and about me I love to go to sleep
because I am tired of the fast
the fasting is fun
allah says :
must when the fast
1- Do not speak bad words.
2- Do not listen to music.
3- Forgive all taht mistaken.
That fasting in Islam
Is not just not eating
It does not do bad things
Fasting in Islam
that to feeling about poor people
how taht hard they not find food
so we give them to them Zakat Or charity
and they become so happy
When the month of Ramadan ends
Eid al-Fitr comes
all Muslims become so happy
and we buy sweets and new clothes
and go to visit family
and we get the money from family
On the morning of Eid
We hear "Allah akbr" in the mosque
Allah akbr mean that Allah is great
On the day of Eid, we can eat
I be sad on the day of Eid
because I love Ramadan
and I do not want to end
Ramadan comes "once" in the year
and when Ramadan ends,
we ask Allah to live
until Ramadan came in next year
We say
( اللهم بلغنا رمضان )
Have you ever heard on the Hajj?
Yes, I learned about Hajj and Ramadan from Manaru,
返信削除the administrator of a Manga Blog you and I got to know each other.
ええ、私は マナルさんから ハッジとラマダンについて学びました、
あなたと私が出会った 漫画ブログの管理人さんです。
And I've read somewhere that تمر is an important item in Ramadan.
それと、デーツが ラマダンの大切なアイテムだと、どこかで読んだことがあります。
So I'm eating تمر for my health everyday :D
だから、私も健康のために 毎日デーツを食べてます^^
"I be sad on the day of Eid
because I love Ramadan
and I do not want to end",
this word attracts the interest of me.
この言葉は とても興味深いです。
Speaking of Hajj, some web friends of mine have been مكة, and they wrote about it.
ハッジといえば、ネット友だちが何人か メッカに行ったことがあって、そのことを書いてました。
Have you ever been to مكة?
Sorry coco ..
返信削除I did not understand
What does this word mean?
( Manaru )
" ええ、私は マナルさんから ハッジとラマダンについて学びました、
あなたと私が出会った 漫画ブログの管理人さんです。 "
It's great to learn some things from friends
Uh .. Yes ( التمر )
the dates it Important food in Ramadan
and you asked I'll explain it to you :)
We are in Ramadan when we hear the prayer
as I told you to start eating with the family
We start first drink a little water
before we eat
for your information
that is good for you health
Messenger of Allah Mohammed says
we should eat dates
(( the house Who does not have dates
it is poor house ))
we learned form the Messenger of Allah
water good for health especially when
stomach is empty from food
" Study showed that drinking water before meals
helps with weight loss "
After we drink a little of water
we eat a few dates
When we eat we do like Messenger of Allah
we learned form the Messenger of Allah
( ( eat odd number
I do not know Is that true meaning of the word
I will explain you to get the correct meaning
when we start eating dates in Ramadan
we take for example 7 pieces of dates
not 8 pieces
Of course we can take any number,
but should to be like this
( 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 .... Etc )
not even number
( 2 ، 4 ، 6 ، 8 ، 12 .... Etc )
I hope that you understand what I mean
because still my English language is weak
I did not study English well
And the lessons that I Studied in the school
It is about the grammar of English
Read this topic
I hope that you can understand
translated by Google
Do you understand the meaning?
" それと、デーツが ラマダンの大切なアイテムだと、どこかで読んだことがあります。 "
Yes this is true
you reminded me in past
Arabs in past eating dates only!
and most of them eat one piece on day!
I can not do like him
However, Arab in past very strong
They are eating Healthy food
like dates
" 「イードになると残念、
この言葉は とても興味深いです。 "
It's great that you understand me
Ramadan is the beautiful month
People love each other
We are to forgive each other in Ramadan
and we do not do bad things
that we usually do
So I do not like to end this great month
We become closer to Allah more in Ramadan
Have you ever heard about the ( ليلة القدر ) ?
" ハッジといえば、ネット友だちが何人か メッカに行ったことがあって、そのことを書いてました。"
I'll tell you if I could go once to Mecca
you wish to go again if you can
I went to Mecca, when I was a child
I was so happy
because I am standing in front of
the house of Allah (Kaaba)
If you are lucky to go to Mecca
you will feel very strange feeling
feeling you did not feel
in any place before that
beautiful and a wonderful feeling
I hope to try this feeling
" メッカに行ったことがありますか? "
I am from Saudi Arabia
I live in an area called al kobar
and I was born in it
I visited Syria and Lebanon
but I feel as if I lived in Syria
my Grandmother from Palestine
my uncle lived in America too long
It's now old
Tell me about yourself ?
And what is your dream in life?
I took hour to write this letter ha ha ha
I hope that does not have a error in spelling
> What does this word mean?
返信削除> ( Manaru )
Manaru is "マナル".
You know her.
She is an administrator of a Manga Blog. It's a website you and I got to know each other :D
漫画ブログの管理人さんです、あなたと私が出会ったサイトの ^^
> not even number
> ( 2 ، 4 ، 6 ، 8 ، 12 .... Etc )
Wow, it's very interesting!
ما عرفت هذا من قبل
> translated by Google
This Japanese language is too broken XD
But I guess I've already read some informations like this.
So last year, I tried to eat تمر for the first time in my life.
And now, I love it.
> Have you ever heard about the ( ليلة القدر ) ?
Yes, I've done, though I'm not a Muslima.
I think we, Japanese people need to know the summary of Islam, if we learn Arabic language.
Muhammad flied from Mecca to Jerusalem.
But I hear there is another report, it says Muhammad didn't fly to Jerusalem but Jeddah.
Both Jerusalem and Jeddah are toooooo faaaar from me :D
Also Mecca.
I won't go to any abroad because my health.
But I can talk with you like this.
Internet is amazing ;)
インターネットって素晴らしいですよね (^_-)-☆
I'm not good at English too.
I spent over an hour to write this, maybe 2 hours :D
I knew you joined in Lang-8, then I'll write you there again :)
حقاً ؟
مانارو هي منال
Manaru is "マナル".
شيء لايصدق
لقد تحدث اليها
I talked to him
مرة واحدة فقط
only once time!
لم أكن أعرف أنها المديرة
I did not know that she was the administrator
نعم أذكر ذالك
yah I remember taht
للمرة الأولى التي التقيت بكي
for the first time that I met you
لم أصدق أني حقاً أعرف فتاة يابانية
I could not believe I really know Japanese girl
كنت اظن ان اليابانيين يكرهون العرب
I think that the Japanese hate the Arabs
ولكن اليابانيين ليسوا أشرار
But the Japanese are not evil
أنهم أناس طيبون
they are very nice people
لذلك أحب التحدث اليكي
so I like to talk to you
> not even number
> ( 2 ، 4 ، 6 ، 8 ، 12 .... Etc )
Wow, it's very interesting!
ما عرفت هذا من قبل
أنا سعيدة لإني اخبرتكي
I'm glad that I told you
من الرائع أن نتعلم من بعضنا اشياء جديدة
It's great to learn from each other new things
> translated by Google
This Japanese language is too broken XD
ههههه المشكلة اني لا استطيع ان أفهم اللغة اليابانية
ha ha ha
the problem is that I can not understand
the Japanese language
لذلك أستخدم الإنجليزية
So I use the English
أنها لغة سهلة
It is an easy language
و تستطيعين فهمها
and you can understand
حتى ولو القليل منها
Even the little ones
لذا أفكر
So I think
ربما اللغة العربية اصعب قليلاً من الإنجليزية
maybe Arabic language a little harder than English
لذا من الإسهل أن أتحدث اليكي بالإنجليزية
So it's easier to talk to you in English
> Have you ever heard about the ( ليلة القدر ) ?
Yes, I've done, though I'm not a Muslima.
من الرائع ان تقرأ العديد من المعلومات
It's great to you read so many information
كنت أظن أنك تعرف القليل
I was think that you know a little
ولكن انت تقرا و هذا أمر جيد
But you read and this is a good thing
صدقيني أن الأسلام دين رائع
Believe me Islam is a wonderful religion
ليس له مثيل
does not have an instance of
أنا ولدت مسلمة و أنا فخورة بذالك
I was born a Muslim and I am proud of it
أتمنى أن كل اصدقائي مسلمين
I hope that all my friends are Muslims
تستطيعن أن تستمعي لمايكل جاكسون
you can listen to Michael Jackson
أنه غنى أغنية رائعة عن الأسلام
he sang a wonderful song about Islam
أحب أن أستمع لها
I like to listen to it
أنها تحرك مشاعري
It moved my feelings
و اتمنى لقاء الله
I hope to meet Allah
الأفضل أن تسمعيها
better to hear it
أنها بالإنجليزية
It's in English
返信削除Muhammad flied from Mecca to Jerusalem.
هاذه صحيحة
This is the correct
أن محمد اعظم رجل بالعالم
That Muhammad is the greatest man of this world
لو كان حياً لكان كل الناس يحبون بعضهم
If he were alive that all people love each other
صدقيني أنه رائع
believe me he is a wonderful
أنا لنا أراه و لاكني أتمنى كثيراً
I have not seen but I hope a lot
لو كنت ولدت في زمن محمد
if I born in the time of Muhammad
و لاكن الله اراد ان لا أرى هذا الرجل العظيم
but the Allah wanted that I do not see the great man
بالرغم من أني لم أرى محمد
although I did not see Muhammad
أصدق بكل شيء قاله
I believe everything he said
أنا أعلم أنه رجل صادق
I know that he honest man
الله جعل أسم محمد مع أسم الله
Allah made the name of Muhammad with the name of Allah
هذا يعني ان محمد رجل صادق
this means that Mohammed honest man
بسبب أن المسلمين يقولون
because the Muslims say
" أشهد أن لا أله الا الله و أن محمداً رسول الله "
بالإنجليزية بترجمتي
in English by my translation
أنا أصدق أنه لا يوجد اله غير الله فقط
I believe there is no god but Allah
و أصدق أن محمد رسول الله
and I believe That Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Internet is amazing ;)
インターネットって素晴らしいですよね (^_-)-☆
هاذا صحيح
that's right
لا أصدق أنه بإمكاني التحدث اليكي
I do not believe that I can talk to you,
فتاة يابانية و انا فتاة عربية
girl Japan and I am an Arab girl
شيء رائع
it is a wonderful thing
كل من اخبرتهم عنكي لم يصدقو ذالك
all that I told them about you do not believe that
أه نعم ، لقد تذكرت
ah yes, I was reminded
لقد اخبرت أمي كما وعدتك
I told my mother as I promised you
انها سعيدة لأجلك
she was happy for you
و تتمنى لكي الخير
and she wish for you well
I'm not good at English too.
نعم ، و لاكن يجب أن نتعلم
Yes, but It must to learn
لكي نستطيع ان نتحدث للجميع
So that we can speak for all
I spent over an hour to write this, maybe 2 hours :D
ههههههه و لاكن من الممتع حقاً
ha ha ha but is really fun
التحدث للإصدقاء
Talk to friends
I knew you joined in Lang-8, then I'll write you there again :)
شكراً لكي يا كوكو
Thank you, Coco
أنه فقط لإجلك
It's just for you
على اية حال كوكو ارغب أن أعرفك أكثر
anyway coco I'd like to know about you more
هل كوكو هو أسمك الحقيقي ؟
Is Coco is your real name?
كم هو عمرك ؟
how old are you ?
لماذا أنت مهتم بدراسة اللغة العربية ؟
Why are you interested in studying Arabic?
Well, Yoko...
This time, your English is too difficult to me.
I guess you didn't write in your own English. You used an automatic translation machine, from Arabic to English. So I can't understand it well.
I'll decipher your Arabic lines by myself.
It needs a long time.
So I'll make you wait for my reply. I'm sorry.
But I can answer your questions which I got meaning, soon.
I'll write it in a message on Lang-8.
I'm sorry Coco
返信削除It seems to me that you are a good speaker
ask me about anything do not understand
I will write to you in simple words
I Reply to you in lang
This month is Ramadan
返信削除Are you Yoko?
(Please write your name every time. for me.)
I'm nooot a good speaker!
I always write with some online dictionaries and Google Translation. So I need a long time to write in English as I told before.
I wish to enjoy talking with you about many things, such as Ramadan, other events and Arabic language.
But it's quite painful to me yet.
That's why I'm learning English now, though I've stopped Arabic learning XD